Design for University-community engagement

Educators and students engage in a mutual-learning process with local community members or other local actors and institutions.


These projects nurture a continuous mutual-learning process between community members, students and teachers.  Other DESIS projects include similar engagement with communities and institutions, but these projects highlight this as a distinctive feature.  They aim to produce renewed links between the DESIS Lab and the wider society and may be inspired by one of the Martin Buber´s principles: “genuine education of character is genuine education for community” (Buber 1947 p. 123-139).

Proposed Projects

Type of Projects

Projects with the capacity of building direct links between the university and community members.  Socio-economic, cultural and other differences are challenges for those involved. The focus on the design process and its results help to overcome barriers, preconceptions and to build a common ground between participants that nurtures a mutual learning process towards social change.

Open Questions